Tuesday, November 27, 2007

East from Millburne

OK, we're wishing for snow. This should get us in the mood for a cold, crunchy, icy, January.

Prismacolor Pencils (my favorite)


Collette said...

Brrrrr. That looks cold. I'm not excited for those days.

mom/Janet said...

We got our first snow last night along with winds. I love the snow but only if I don't have anyplace to go.

Dane said...

Aunt Kathy,
I love your art page! So does my fiance...did you know that she will be graduating in Art History in a year? Anyway, I love this drawing!! I can't wait for the snows to come!!

Kathy said...

Dane, I'm really excited to visit with Bridget about art related subjects when things quiet down after the wedding. Who would have ever thought we would have an abundance of art folks in the family!!

Dane said...

Aunt Kathy,
Did I say art history? I meant art education! That will mean a lot more to you!